The vomiting has returned with a vengeance, accompanied with the most horrendous dizziness.
I stood up this afternoon and fell flat on my fucking face. I’m not a stranger to falling over but usually I’ve had a few bottles of wine before my face breaks my fall.
I have laughed and laughed today at Jose Mourinho’s expense.
He was arrested and cautioned after getting arsey with the police about his dog. They seemed to be under the impression that it had been brought into the country without proper vaccinations and rabies jabs.
Jose didn’t want them taking his beloved dog away and some how it ‘escaped’ and went on the run, while he ‘obstructed’ the police.
So, what does Mr super macho have at the end of his lead? A Doberman, a Rottweiller, a Staffie?
Nope, he owns a fucking Yorkshire Terrier!
A little yapper type dog that grows out of old ladies armpits.
Jose, hang your head in shame!
Ha! That picture looks so simple, but I know how difficult it is to capture the moment when the bee is on the flower and not inside it. That's a great pic.
S'bad that you're sick again. :( It sounds so much like what I had a few weeks back, I swear things are transmittable by internet. And that's the note on which I will start my own post today.
Hope you feel better soon.
And the dog's called Gullit.
schnee.. Thank you! If you have infected me with some sort of cyber virus, who long does it last?
Sassy.. HaHaHaHa!! Brilliant!
It's hilarious isn't it? Gullit's built like a barn door - you see him next to Graeme Souness on the TV and he's def bigger and old Soumo isn't exactly a petite little flower. A yorkie named after a brick shit house. Oh gawd, it is funny...
Hoping you purge all that and feel better.
It could be that Jose's mut is the guardian of the cosmos. The beast isn't really called 'Gullit', is it?
Lenten, it totally is! Yes, you name your little mutt after one of the classiest players known to human kind, but he also happens to be a beast. I'm sorry, I still keep chuckling about this one. SUch an amazing mismatch of breed and name. I mean if you are going to have a Yorkie, at least give it a suitably Portguese-Yorkie name. It's like naming a rottweiler Mimi or some such...
A Shih Tzu called Tyson?!
The bee's name is Love. Your's is the most beautiful marriage of bee and flower that I have ever seen.
Thank you for this glimpse of the real world inside our world.
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