I was doing a mooch for snails among the fruit trees and saw this bad boy.
I have never seen one like this before. There are loads of different types out there.
The promised rain didn’t start spitting until about six this evening. Seagulls had been heading inland since about 4.30 so I’ve been out in the garden and battened down the hatches.
The thunder is grumbling and rolling in from the Solent and it’s going to be a bad one.
Pompey is quite well protected by the Isle of Wight to the south and Portsdown Hill to the north.
If a storm does come in though, it can’t ‘get out’ and it just bounces around over the Island until it has blown itself out.
As I was sat in my chair typing this, I felt something tickle my arm.
I moved it and a fucking great big black house spider was on me. The laptop was slung to the floor, I jumped up and the bastard shot under my chair.
I don’t mind spiders.
That is, ‘I don’t mind them existing’ but I don’t want to touch them and I certainly don’t want them running all over me.
That kind of shit will make me a bit stamp happy.
I thought I could cope knowing it was under there but I couldn’t.
Moving the chair I accidentally ran the fucker over and killed it.
Now I want to know, how do these things have babies? Are there eggs somewhere and how close to my chair are they likely to be?
You big girl's blouse.
The females have babies and if it's a house spider, the egg sac (containing about 250) will be in the web, so most likely not underneath your chair because you'd see it and hoover it up.
How I envy you the storm....you cannot imagine. I'll assume you'll bring one with you ;)
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