Yep, that is the Spinnaker Tower on the right.
Or, ‘The Dick In The Dock‘, as it’s known around here.
Alternatively, The ‘reason my bastard council tax is so high’ Tower.
A big item on the news has to do with the programme showing a man’s demise from Alzheimer’s.
Yesterday everybody was up in arms that such a thing could be filmed.
It was disgusting, a disgrace, where was the dignity blah, blah, blah.
The film maker came forward to say, actually it wasn’t his last moment on earth, but his last conscious moment and ITV had got that bit wrong.
Now everyone is upset because they were “Lied” to and they are not going to watching someone die.
For fuck’s sake! Make your minds up you sick bastards.

They've been baked, roasted, eaten as they are, chopped and slung in stuff, chopped in fruit salad and those that rotted on the tree are in the composter.
My Big little brother has been round this evening. We have had a good giggle. In my stoned state I paid more attention to how my cats use their personal door.
The Cat Flap.
Why do they approach it as if going through it will result in a trip to Narnia?
They do it several times a day and always appear surprised that they end up in the same garden.
They haven't been confronted with snow or Mr Tumnus yet.
Catnip must have more of an effect than I first thought.
It's got stronger.
My 'Fellah's' aren't used to this form of 'Skunk' catnip.
JAYSUS! They are schizophrenic!
They also get quadriplegic when using it.
Probably from the 'skunk' nature of the catnip.
Their front legs and head go through perfectly, then they drag the back half through like they are paralyzed or some some sort of Seal.
Great pic! That really sums up so much of Pompey.
Cats and catnip - bizarre! Have you ever tried smoking it?
Schnee.. Jaysus! No!
Try cobbler and crumble!
Sassy.. Is that some kind of euphemism or rhyming slang, of which I'm unaware?!
First pic I've seen of Apollo riding by..Magnificent shot!
Artemesia.. Thank you. Sometimes, from certain angles, my city can look pretty cool!
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