Sunday, September 30, 2007


The Big little Brother turned up at midnight looking like he’d been ridden hard and put away wet.
He’d also had an unusual wardrobe malfunction.
Shoes that looked like slippers and cut off’s with an enormous hole in the crutch. The hole didn’t become apparent until he sat, cross-legged on the floor.
An unnerving experience.
He was smoking that Spice stuff that I can’t stand. I cannot begin to describe how nasty this stuff smells and tastes.
Thank G-d for the weed!
We drank wine, watched Rome, checked out our ’Science Project’ chatted and laughed.

This morning I had the Breakfast of Champions.
Chicken and Spinach Curry and a Chapatti. So much better the following morning.
I almost had a Cobra beer but 8am is a little early, even for me.
A huge mug of tea worked just as well.

Crisp-e visited this afternoon and it was great to see him. It’s been ages.
I had my first mooch around the garden for a few weeks.
The pond has cleared at last and I have a baby newt in there!
The Elodea has taken and looks green and healthy.
The snails are growing and are doing their stuff keeping it clean.
I’m really chuffed.

My junk mail has been inundated with notices that someone or other has added me as a friend on Facebook.
But I’m confused. I do not have a Facebook account. Never have.
Schnee, explain this madness to me please.


Schneewittchen said...

Truly bizarre. I'm sending you an invite for Facebook to see if it comes up as a '...has added...'

Sleepy said...

Yep.. Email saying you've added me.

Sassygril said...

Curry definitely needs to marinade. I made a big pot of that lamb and potatoe thing and it got better the longer I left it. OK, you need to make sure you don't poison yourself, but leftovers of curry are absolutely my favourite dish.
And your garden is a thing of wonder to behold. Did you get anything for your blackfly?!! That vine is sensational - all you need to do is tidy up the grass and you are in for a gold medal.

Sleepy said...

Sassy..Thanks! Can't wait to see yours once it's done.

The Blackfly is under control. Transferring Ladybirds from the front has helped. So has a good squirt with soapy water.
Am loathed to use chemicals on the fruit trees but if winter doesn't kill 'em off, I will have a look at the options.
The vine has been particularly splendid this year, I think its all the rain. It has fed us well!

Mmmmm.. Dolmades...

Crisp-e said...
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Crisp-e said...

Good to see you too mate.

Honestly, I’m not convinced with this facebook craic at all. I have an account, but I hardly use it. The novelty of catching up with peeps from the past has worn off. Now it just sits there out in hyperspace twiddling its thumbs. Just another way to waste time I think.

P.S. Ditto on the garden. It lookes lush and green.

Sleepy said...

Dred, your Facebook photo is one of the best I've seen!

Artemesia said...

Saw your 9/30 post in Shnee's..
Am confused..didn't know if you wanted out or in..
But, the door of my Blog is open to you if you want to browse again..

Sleepy said...

Artemesia.. I want in!
It's good for me to read poetry.
Even if I don't quite always get it.
Sorry if any offense was caused.