Friday, March 19, 2010

St Joe

Today is St Joseph’s Day so I went to Mass.
One of the old geezers at the front got a bit confused, thought the second reading was the Gospel and stood up.
This caused most of the people behind to follow his lead, quickly sitting as they realized their mistake.
It looked like a geriatric Mexican wave.
By the time the ‘wave’ hit me I was laughing so much, I couldn’t help it.
So I stood, raised my arms then sat down like it was an ACTUAL Mexican wave.
This corpsed Father P and I could see his shoulders going while he stared into his lap.
When it WAS his turn, he did really well to get through the Gospel with me grinning at him like an idiot!
I thought about my Step Mum, Joseph being the ultimate Step Dad.
Can you imagine his, ‘you're not my Dad’, arguments?


Some Chilean Woman said...

So that kind of wave has a name? I had no idea. You learn something every day...

Schneewittchen said...

Hehehee, I love the image of you doing the Mexican Wave!
I always thought Joseph the Worker was a good egg for sticking by Mary. I hope they did have other sprogs.

It would have been useful to have the results of the 'you're not my dad' arguments. I imagine, (in some kind of northern English accent),

'No lad, 'e's back in Rome b'now, took advantage of yer ma'am and then scuttles back to 'is wife, *sighs* I'll tell ya lad, no good'll come of it, and while we're at it, stop botherin' them blokes in t'temple......'

Sleepy said...

SCW.. I think we call it that because the first time we saw it was at the World Cup in Mexico.

Schnee.. The thing is, I don't know what those behind me did!!
I'd love to think they followed me. I didn't think he was going to get his shit together in time for the Gospel but he was a pro.
Refused to look in my direction though.