Thursday, February 11, 2010

More Filth

Un-fucking-believably I’ve had to unblock the fucking kitchen sink AGAIN!

I am now beginning to wonder if Housemate Pat is a fucking retard.

Seriously educationally sub-normal.

Other than learning what ever fucking language it is she speaks, I can’t think of any way of getting across to her what CANNOT go down the sink.

I’m considering drawing pictures with big crosses through them.

My huge mistake was thinking that the Chinese were like the Japanese and were fucking CLEAN.

They are not.

They are filthy fucking dirty with some hideous habits.

She hawks up and spits phlegm while in the shower which is sometimes to be found dried down the side of the bath or on the tiles. There has been evidence of this in the sink as well.

I’m also beginning to understand that she just does not give a shit about the house or the people in it.

The day after been asked to sweep up the rice and noodles she spills all over the floor it was there again!

She’s got to go before I chin the idiot.


Schneewittchen said...

Holy Carp! Unbelievable behaviour! (Well, not entirely, knowing the state this house was in when we bought it).
Perhaps there's some kind of behaviour altering drug the TP could slip into her rice water or something.
Scoop up the shit from the floor and leave it in the middle of her bed. Then a horse's head.

Sleepy said...

It's not good for me holding onto this kind of anger.. It eventually comes out, usually with dire consequences!

She's got to go. Plain and simple.

Sassygril said...

You def need to do something about your kitchen sink whether she stays or goes. Can you fit one of those things that grinds all the shit up and flushes it? Dunno if that is helpful. Another consideration...the dosh. Are you happy to part with the loot you will lose if you ask her to go? Is there a higher quality replacement for you?