The train there is far less crowded than the one to Wiltshire but that may have something to do with them putting on more than three fucking coaches!
Come on Great Western, get a little radical.
Brighton was not quite as I remembered it.
Although, I have to admit I've usually viewed it at nighttime with a system full of, all sorts!
To start with it had an aroma.
Actually it smelled like a portaloo unless you went right down to the seafront, where it was blowing a hooligan.
The Lanes are their usual selves, windows of gorgeous diamonds, but the rest of it seemed seedy, neglected and run down.
There appeared to be plenty of tourists though.
We had a brilliant day mooching and some of us returned home with Bling!
bling?...people generally return home from Brighton with the clap.
Portaloo is so much better than the American 'portalpotty'...I'm going to use that one...
Hahahahaha - Richard:)
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