I popped a ‘legal high’ pill today and for the first time EVER it actually affected me.
When I say ‘affected’, read, puked up almost continually for an hour or two; then on and off for the rest of the day.
I’d say it took 5 hours for my stomach to settle and I’m just now starting to get something pleasant from it.
Which is a pisser because my fellow tripper got to witness the chundering bit and I’m now having to text him the good bit!
Sorry Dred x
I don’t know why this has started to bother me again, but it has.
Remember those Poster Art things that you had to colour in using four felt tip pens?
The fucking pens always ran out halfway through!
I don’t know of anyone who finished one of the four in the tube with JUST the supplied pens.
A few years later I fashioned something to smoke weed from using one of those tubes!
Not the type creativity they were going for I'm sure.
Perhaps if they had given me pens that worked rather than cheap shite, fuelled by exotic smelling ink, I may have grown up with a modicum of ambition!
Instead, I moved on to Tippex thinners and a lifelong enthusiasm for getting off my tits.
Anyway, onto other stuff.
A few pix from The Mansions garden and kitchen.
The beginning of the Dorset Naga infused oil.
Crisp-e's recipe.
Using chillies from the plant we share.
This one is for Kevin and Schnee!
I also made a plum sauce which really impressed Housemate Pat.
Perhaps you can make duck with plum confit.
Sounds like the legal high contained some prawn juice.
When TP and me were young, (not that we knew each other then, just that we're in what you might call the same age bracket) there always used to be shows on TV where you could send pictures of mutant tomatoes and such like and then the whole nation would see them.
Now we have the internet and TV has more than three channels and is far more sophisticated.
Just saying.
And the youth of today.....
Twas a very unusual day, but we still had fun. The oil was delectable!
Schnee.. It must have had ALL shellfish products in it!
Crisp-e.. Unusual!! LOL!
That Bronson film was brilliant.
Chuffed about the oil.
Oh! Ben made me watch Bronson. It was good in a 'oh my god!' type of way.
That tomato looks yummy, but it's giving me dirty thoughts!
SCW... Hahahahaha!
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