Sunday, August 02, 2009

Swine Flu Sunday

Today I went to The Swine Flu Mass.
This involved no wine and not having to touch anyone during the sign of peace.
Mass Nutter was in a bad way this morning, really slapping himself about and shouting out.
The homily pissed me off because it was complete bollocks.
Going on about graven images as we are sat surrounded by the fuckers!
Simony? For fuck’s sake! Did I wake up in 1357?
When the collection came round, I refused to put in citing that very ‘sin’.
There is a meeting on Wednesday to discuss the new Papal Encyclical, I might go along.
Just for mischief.

Feeling a bit like this today.
I chose this version because I was there and Sinead was beautiful!

Specialist Vet with the cat tomorrow.
Let's see how fucking poor he can make me.


Schneewittchen said...

In the film Bruno, he goes to one of the 'Christian' groups that tries to 'cure' people of homosexuality. He asks what type of music he should avoid whilst trying to be cured and Sinead O'Connor was the first on the list they trotted out. Bear in mind that Bruno's just a character being played, but the others were real people going about their daily business.

Sleepy said...
