Friday, October 03, 2008

Cave Canem, Cave Rectum

Yesterday I had one of those surreal conversations that seem to happen to me quite often.
While chatting with M’s sister about how to react if your dog is attacked by another.
I said that I’d probably stick the boot in, as I’d heard of serious bites on arms and hands.
She came out with this gem,
“Oh No. I’ve heard the best way to stop the aggressing dog is to stick your fingers up its arse.”
Delivered straight faced and in all seriousness.
I did the, ‘Ibegyourpardon?’ thing, thinking perhaps I’d rolled the last one rather strong, but no, I’d heard right.
“Christ!” I said, “That’d concentrate the mind”.

I don’t know how wise it would be to acquaint yourself with an animal, that is already quite cross, with an impromptu rectal exam.
Please don’t try this out on your local Common or Heath.
Although, there may be a law positively encouraging it on Hampstead but don’t quote me on it!


Grey Area said...

I have heard that one before......but in stressful situations like that I think it would be the last thing on my mind, erhem...

I'm afraid I'm in there with with a swift boot in the head.

Sleepy said...

Yep, I'm sticking with my Pele skills!

Schneewittchen said...

...I mean, how would anyone even find that out?

Sleepy said...

schnee.. I know!
I think it is some sick vet joke, other than their bills that is!