Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Murff Update


Murphy has made a wonderful recovery. Thank G-d!
He didn't need surgery in the end and was given special food to break up the remaining crystals in his bladder.
The vet seemed convinced they were caused by the dry food I give them to eat. I'm not so sure.
If this were the case why hasn't Kenneth had the same problem?
Anyway, he's peeing and eating and I am more than relieved, although I am £565 poorer.
Fucking animals!
Thanks Artemesia, for reminding me to do this update!


Richard de Pesando MA(RCA) said...

yes - well, some of us have been hovering in anticipation....if I were a still papist I'd have lit a candle, but things being so tight - have eaten them all.

Sleepy said...

As a 'partial' Papist I thought about candles but my cultural Yid wouldn't allow it!

Schneewittchen said...

I'm sure there's a special god or section of god that deals with cats.
Glad Murph's better.
Hope your bank account recovers too.

Leigh Russell said...

We're on the NHS while our pets go private. Glad it went well.