Thursday, July 23, 2009

Poorly Boy

Kenny went back to the vet today.
He is a very sick fellah with Cholangiohepatitis.
His liver has been badly compromised and he might not be here in the morning.
£138.09 plus the fifty from yesterday and another appointment tomorrow.
This is not going to be cheap by any stretch of the imagination.
Fortunately, after the expense Murff incurred with his last illness, they are insured.


Schneewittchen said...

Cripes! That even SOUNDS like an expensive disease. Poor old Kenneth. :(

Sassygril said...

Offering up good thoughts for Ken. I still think of him as something of a kitten due to his inability to grow to fit his paws and glorious tail. He is too special to not be with us. Bless his little soul.