I find it easy to use with all the handy drop down menus thingies.
Asda changed their webpage and I can’t cope with the new one.
I’ll end up in Waitrose for what they, or I, forgot anyway!
While browsing the ‘meat’ options I expected to see Beef, Chicken, Lamb etc which I did.
Cooked Meats and Pates were a section on their own, fair enough.
Then there was Halal and Haggis as another group.
You what?
Halal and fucking Haggis?
How in the name of Billy Connolly do they go together, let alone make up a group?
I know Halal eaters favour lamb and a Haggis contains, and is contained by, the bits of a sheep no one in their right fucking mind would eat.
I’ve been trying to imagine a Bedouin Burns Night but can’t get my head around boiled sheep innards going well with Cous Cous or Tabouleh.
Especially as there would be no Whisky to take the taste away.
Not even sucking the milk direct from a nursing camel could get rid of that filth.
Check this out!
Ikea totally enables my OCD/Anal Retentive tendencies.
I knew I would need more jars at the time of buying, but for some reason stopped myself.
A sort of embarrassment/shame sets in and I don’t want the checkout person wondering what I’m going to do with 56 little storage jars.
There are no such problems concerning tea lights.
Five hundred is perfectly acceptable to me and I don’t give a fuck what they think I’m doing with them.
I need more storage jars though!
Haggis is just wrong, so very wrong.
Waitrose is just right, so very right.
I tried Haggis at the Scottish fair here in Utah. Scotsman said it was not the same, that the real stuff is better, but I don't believe him. I'm with Schnee.
I had to google Nigella Seeds. It scared me to think she was being harvested.
A Bedouin Burns night - there's a concept to conjure with! It made me laugh.
Just came by to thank you for commenting on The Curzon Group blog - I'm there every Thursday although due to some time glitch my Thursday post is always dated Wednesday. This week I included the day and date in my title. That foxed those pesky timelords.
And I love Waitrose - my local stores are going to stock Cut Short! Yay! I can do my shopping, have a cup of tea, and sign a few books, all in one outing.
"handy drop down menus thingies" - I'm using that when I train my salespeople on their new software.
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