Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Snot And Saints

I am loaded up with Contac 400.
Housemate Claire, while at the hospital trying to get better, has brought home germs.
Typhoid Clairey, as she is now known.
It’s not even a proper cold.
I can manage about 8 sneezes on the trot and my nose is just dripping warm ‘water’.
Looking forward to the hacking cough when it makes its way to my lungs.

As soon as I saw this photo I got the song from ‘The Meaning of Life’ in my head.
‘Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is good….’
Along with Monty Python, there is just enough OCD ‘clean freakery’ about me that thinks,
“That’s a bloody good idea!”
ATM told me about episodes of Oprah where they swabbed public areas; cinemas, restaurants etc.
The ‘residue’ found on bedspreads in hotels is enough to turn one agoraphobic.

It’s Saint Agatha’s day.
She spurned the advances of some Roman or other and he got bitter and twisted.
He made sure she was persecuted for her Christianity.
Before being burnt at the stake, she was tortured and her breasts cut off.
Unsurprisingly, she is patron of breast cancer patients and amusingly, patron of bell founders and bakers!

My Darwin Award has to go to this guy!

1 comment:

Schneewittchen said...

Oh grim. Hope you kick it soon. Poor St. Aggie, what a horrific story, violence against women is still quite repugnantly rife.