Saturday, October 28, 2006

I Hear You Knocking

My insomnia has been bad the last couple of nights which, as usual, caused me to watch TV all night long. The TV, most times will lull me off to sleep, but not the last few nights.
Do you have any idea what the ‘signer’ in the corner of the screen does to a stoned insomniac?. I sit there trying to match the hand movements to words. When that doesn’t work it becomes really annoying. I’m not saying that deaf people shouldn’t enjoy the programmes but why would they all be up at three in the morning?

The fireworks have started with a vengeance which means the fucking ‘Trick or Treaters’ will be out soon. Another blight from America.
As kids, we weren’t allowed to go Trick or Treating or do Penny For The Guy. ATM described it as begging and my Nan said it was common. “Oh, No Darling! That is for poor and common children”
Every now and then I remember to get some sweeties in; but most of the time I turn all the lights out, move to the back of the house and ignore the doorbell.
The little kids all dressed up and their Mum or Dad stood at the gate, I don’t mind. It’s the 14 and 15 year olds in ‘Chav-Wear’ I object to. The ones who tell you, “A pound’ll do”. I’m sure it will but you’ll have a fucking custard cream between you and like it. I will then stand there and using my eyes only say, “Go on you little tosser, trick me. I fucking dare you, in fact, I double dare you!” I haven’t had a trick yet.
Same with the Carol Singers. I want two verses, not two fucking lines before my hand goes anywhere near my pocket, you common, beggars!

Anyone knocking on my door selling religion, only ever does it once. (They must have a list!) I’ve had Jehovah’s Witnesses begging to leave but did find out Mormons don’t drink tea, coffee or coke. Just one day I’d love to open the door and find two Amish on the step trying to interest me in a barn raising and not using electricity. Or a Zoroastrian who wants to interest me in equality for all (Regardless of gender) and environmentalism. Now that, I would probably go for!
It’s a religion I think I should learn more about.


Anonymous said...

Ah yes, we weren't allowed to do penny for the guy either - same reason as ATM and your nan gave. There was no such thing as trick or treat in those days.
All the time I was in the Uk I never ever came across trick or treaters and frankly, I think it's fucked up. I mean you spend all your life telling kids not to accept sweets from strangers then you send them out to beg for them.
And then, where do ppl get off suddenly deciding that it's ok to go out and bother other ppl. I think if I had ever been bothered by small kids asking for sweets at my door all they'd have got was a flea in their ear, and it wouldn't have been polite.
Ironically, it's on the decline over here. I haven't ever had anyone at the door here either, probably there is some invisible 'Angel of Death' symbol scratched on our door. I have never bought and would never buy sweets to give out.
I'm the Halloween equivalent of Ebeneezer Scrooge, except that at Halloween, that's de riguer.
I noticed you were up so late it was early.
I'm going to do sleep spells for you. You can't keep a good witch down....well, except tied to a ducking stool of course.

Sleepy said...

Sleep spells would be gratefully received.

You are lucky Trick or Treating is in decline... We will now have fireworks until New Year, which really pisses me off.

On a lighter note, I'm considering going to Lewes this year, for the Pope Burning!

Crisp-e said...

Sleepy, do you remember a couple of years ago when I opened the door to some trick or treaters, only to discover that they were pupils of mine? This normally wouldn’t have been a problem except, on this particular eve my eyes looked like two overripe cherry tomatoes.

In my paranoid state I ended up giving them the entire contents of my jeans (approx £7).

Sleepy said...

Sassy.. Nope... You are not alone!
I think we should start some kind of 'neighbourhood grump society'..

Crisp-e.. Yep! Remember that one! It was only cos we were too mashed up to remember it WAS Halloween, until we opened the door!

Crisp-e said...

lol The fact that they were Y10 made it a lot worse.

Sleepy said...

Crisp-e.. We've opened that door in some terrible states!

Remember the afternoon on 'shrooms?
The Doors, People are Strange!..
We answered the door that day!