Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Today, it’s a TV advert that has me teetering on the edge of a meltdown.

Nick (the tosser) is quitting with Niquitin.. Yep, see what they’ve done there - Nick…. Quitting. Real fucking rib tickler that one!
It’s set up to look like he’s done all this as a home movie (strokes chin sagely and utters, “ReckON”) Yeah Yeah, you want to give up. Well Done. Just don’t inflict your fake cheeriness on me. Have a look at his face people, he’s not happy. He has this manic grin on his face that doesn’t quite make it to his eyes.
I’d also like to suggest that with the money he saves on smokes, he should invest in some serious dentistry.
Oddly, this is not what pisses me off, in fact it makes me light up a cigarette.
He goes on and on about how easy it is just to pop the lozenge in your mouth. EXCEPT he calls it a lozengER. It’s a fucking lozenge, the end rhymes with hinge. You wankER.

I find people pronouncing ‘something’ as ‘somethink’ deeply irritating too. Even educated people are guilty of that one (You know who you are!) I’m led to believe that this is a ‘Midlands’ thing but I think it’s laziness.
How on earth do you make a G sound like a K? Either and Neither you can pronounce however you like, doesn’t bother me. Somethink leaves me fit to be tied.

Last night I thought Mrs Next Door had finally done what, Crisp-e and I have predicted for a while, and gone psycho.
Some of the screams from the children had me contemplating phoning Esther. I ended up thinking, Fuck It, I’ll videophone her being dragged out and stick it on the internet.
I met her outside today and she asked if I had heard any of the screaming. I did the, “Oh no, not a peep” thing. It turns out that she had set about her kids with a nit comb (Huge step back) and they hadn’t particularly taken to the experience.
Pompey nits, like their some of their hosts, are really difficult to get rid of. They are immune to all known cures, even tea tree oil.
I can remember how mortified my Nan had been, when my sister and I had been sent home from school with nits. She may as well have been told we had Syphilis. Nits and TB were conditions she associated with being poor, common and not looked after.

My scalp still carries the memory of that comb and the subsequent trip to the hairdressers to have our hair cut short. Although, I must admit having my hair cut short was bliss to a 7 year old tomboy! I never had to have my hair long again, claiming fear of nits. It was the venom with which my Nan wielded the comb I feared the most.


Anonymous said...

It's the Pompey version of something that used to get me, it goes something like 'siyunk'.

I too hate when ppl on TV mispronounce words in an ignorant way (like 'lozenger'). I sit watching and correcting. in real life I don't correct ppl even though I'm often itching to, the worst it ever got was when I heard someone refer to someone else's dog as wing-y, and it took me a while to figure out she was mispronouncing 'whingey'.
The one on ads at the moment that gets me is when voiceover person says 'new-tella' instead of nutella. I mean do they call nuts newts?
And the one that made me fall about laughing when I first got here was Gouda which they pronounce 'Goo-da'.
Oh, I also fell about laughing the first time I heard a chaise longue called a 'chaise lounge' because - well it just does sound ignorant.

Karen just corrects people's prononciation right out. Someone the other day said 'Niv-AY-uh' instead of Nivea and she just corrected them even though she was expecting them to give her a lift home.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have that horrible correcting habit, especially with grammar. Awful really. It just pops out of my mouth.
Now my friend Michelle is always correcting me too.
"I don't like Indian food," said I, "it's weird."
"It's not weird," said she, "it's just different than what you are used to."
"Yes x800," I say, "that's what I meant," resenting the implication.
I can correct her but she cannot correct me because it causes an imbalance.

Crisp-e said...

I must admit, I tend to ask people with erratic pronunciation difficulties to repeat mispronounced words: As follows:

Yank: can you tell me the way to 'Lie-sester' square?
Me: Sorry, could you repeat that please...
Yank: do you know the way to Lie-sester square?
Me: Lie-sester?
Yank: Yes, that’s it, Lie-sester square...
Me: Sorry, never heard of it (i.e. if you cant speak English properly, PISS OFF).

P.S. 'Nick' is on the witness protection programme.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap Karen, and you let her get away with 'different THAN'?!?. Jeez, whatever next, the correct preposition is from, different from. Sheesh.

Sleepy said...

Chaise Lounge is one of mine too!

My sister had a particularly 'window licky' friend who used to say, 'Do you rurry? I rurry'. In the end I had to ask my sister what the fuck she was on about.
She answered she is saiyng, "Worry.. Do you worry?" Nearly 20 years on and that still cracks me up!

anon.. I'm with schnee and don't outright correct them. I inwardly fume then blog!

Sleepy said...

Nice one Crisp-e.. that's like me directing all the French who ask me for the ferry to the Isle Of Wight ferry!

Schnee.. Nice one!! hehehe!

Anonymous said...

She may have said different from. a good point.
Hey, Sleepy, as I told schnee, I saw Leisha Hailey and Kate Moennig (Alice and Shane) from the l-word on Commerciald rive in vancouver tonight. are you jealous? please be jealous.
- Karen

Anonymous said...

sorry, that was supposed to say Commercial Drive.
- Karen
I have now seen three L-word actresses.

Sleepy said...

If it does it for you Karen, I am green with envy!!

Karen said...

please update your blog, sleepy. Having a blog is a commitment - like work or marriage or an exercise routine. Mind you, I signed up for a 6-week Buddhist meditation course and went, well three times. Well, he wasn't that good of an instructor.
- Karen