Friday, August 17, 2007

Blood,Gore And Beans

Today I’ve watched Hannibal Rising and Apocalypto.
Really enjoyed the first.
Hannibal is such a likeable killer somehow.
I was left totally knackered by the second.
All that fucking running.
Both were brutal but in such different ways. Apocalyto was the one than got a gag reflex from me though.
(The dead bodies when he makes it through the corn)
Why is it, when that happens, I pull whatever I’m wearing over my mouth and nose?
I definitely couldn’t smell anything and I would have been sick INSIDE my clothes if I had, so what’s that all about?
The other bit that made me cringe was him running with things in his mouth.
Made me feel quite queasy.
I’ve got a ‘thing’ about eyes and sharp things.
Luis Bunuel’s fault, completely.
In return he gave me another ‘thing’ about Catherine Deneuve.
For which I am most grateful.
She made 1985 pass quite quickly, with an underlying fear of blindness and the fires of hell.

Check these bad boys out!
The first crop of Sleepy Mansions Runner Beans!
They were beyond tasty.
Much effort, by one of the Housemates, went in to keeping the plants slug and snail free.
She got quite frightening and ‘genocidal’ in the methods of slaughter at one point.
The hard work SO paid off.


Crisp-e said...
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Crisp-e said...

I loved Apocalypto, an entertaining action adventure film. Not sure about the historical accuracy of it though.

The runner beans look fabulous!

P.S. Deleted last post due to spelling error.

Sleepy said...

Crisp-e.. I thought it was great but tiring. My heart rate was up and down all the way through it.

Guessed as much!

Crisp-e said...

Yeah, the adrenalin fuelled action sequences had me on the edge of my seat!

Sleepy said...

I bit my bloody nails!

Crisp-e said...

Welcome to my world! I have no nails. Never have. Never will. Disgusting habit!

Sleepy said...

I stopped doing it but return under stress!