Friday, November 17, 2006

Charity, My Arse..

The Thai Dragonfly didn't do an awful lot. But fuck me, it went through like a dose of salts. I will spare you the details.

This evening is Children In Need night. An opportunity to raise money for charity.
Pain in the frigging arse I call it.
Overly cheerful people in fancy dress, accosting you on the street with a bucketful of coins.
If you give to one you have to give to all the others, or you look like the tightest, cheapest fucker on earth.
I have carried so much change in my pocket today, I look like I need calipers and I think the spine damage is permanent.

The most annoying thing is the sponsored silences the kids at school used to do.
Ask them a question in lesson and one of their lairy mates will shout at you, 'They are doing a sponsored silence!', like you were stupid.
Unsurprisingly, the silence was suspended at break and lunchtime but the little fuckers still wanted to be paid. Piss Off!
Or the tossers who would spend the day tied together- Good way of getting into another group and totally disrupting.

The whole of BBC1's evening programmes are full of wankers with oversized cheques, telling bemused interviewers, "I sailed the Solent in a shoebox" or "I ate a million baked beans with a toothpick".
Makes me want to drive an icepick through my Frontal Lobes.
Tonight it is pissing with rain, really pissing down.
I'm going to pledge 20 quid for Natasha 'look at my sparkley clothes' Kaplinsky to get electrocuted.
Something good should come of this!

Seriously though, the charity does excellent work, but who else thinks that hospices and medical equipment should be provided on the NHS?
They spend millions on IVF - Bollocks, to the kids that aren't here. Support the those who ARE here.
You want IVF... Pay for it yourself.. Having kids isn't a right and maybe there is a reason you are not.
Like the Portsmouth couple, The Wyatt's... Spent thousands in LEGAL AID to keep their disabled kid alive...
Where does she live now? In fucking care because neither of her pointless parents can cope! What a surprise.
Spend my taxes fighting for her then don't even look after her. More of my taxes paying for that.(They are both on benefits)

I'll stop before I go too far.


Sleepy said...

Sassy... I will try not to get you started!
I know what you're like..

teknonra said...

dakuidaI wrote loads of right good chit.... then it disappeared into the bowls of the interweb. what's that about?
children in need? what about me? I got nuffin......even my pot (that that I piss in ) has a hole in it. my children have access to more credit than me....and I’m not even depressed!! I’m bloody HAPPY!!! ha ha ha bast**ds. ah, dead shopping trolleys....must remember....oh yes, there's two boxes, in one box is 120 million pounds in the other 6pound 60pence which one do you think I got?
Emma Bunton- down town, I’ve opened the drawer with my pistol in.....our universe is slowly spinning towards alpha centuri. leading to catastrophe for mankind . Only 5 Billion years to go , so WHATS THE PIONT??

Anonymous said...

*Narrows eyes* Did Teknonra get all the real Thai shit that you were s'posed to have? Or maybe it was him stole all the mushrooms...Hmmm...

Anyway, where was I, oh yes, TOTALLY agree about the BBC day of crap telly stuff, TOTALLY agree about how this is stuff you pay taxes for and as for those BLOODY ppl torturing an innocent baby by keeping it alive like that, they should be soddin' horse-whipped, for Chrissakes, they have a way out, which a lot of ppl would like and don't and they have done this, and it never even occurred to me that they were given legal aid to do it. Flaming Nora, a whole bunch of other people should be horse-whipped too, only I haven't figured out who's to blame for that travesty yet.
Jeez. And yes, I pay taxes too, every time I'm over there and buy something, not to mention all the thousands upon thousands the government snatched off me when I worked there, not that I begrudge it if it's wisely spent, I am a bloody socialist after all, but THAT takes the biscuit.
Ooh, maybe I shouldn't have made snarky ones about Tek, I have ranted a bit meself.

Anonymous said...

Here's a good link for anyone not familiar with the case.