Thursday, November 30, 2006

.... Sting Like A Bee

Today, I rose at 5am and by 6am was in a car, with strangers, heading to Lambeth. They turned out to be really lovely guys and were very supportive of me during the day.

I have done circuit training, pad work and a lot of boxing, with gloves that smelled like the last person had had them on their feet. Not an entirely pleasant experience. I have sparred with champions and potential champions. I have perspired like a pig and at one point was close to vomiting.

My body is now a study in pain. My shoulders and arms are sore, my knees are on fire, my lower back throbs and even my hair aches.
But, in a weird way it feels great, like I have achieved something today.
And I have.

I am now a Qualified ABA Boxing Tutor.
I’m celebrating with a Radox bath, 600mg Ibruprofen, 30mg Dihydrocodeine and a glass of wine.
That should sort me out.

Sorry it’s short today, but I’m sure you will all understand.
Thank you, one and all, for your words of encouragement.


Anonymous said...

I knew you'd be great! And successful too. The best Radox bath is the one you've REALLY earned.
Can't believe you got up at 5, that's usually an hour before you go to bed.
Bizarrely, Blogger is allowing me to comment on your blog, but not on mine. Curious.

Sleepy said...

5am was a bit of a shock!

The cat looked at me as if to say,
"Have you pissed the bed?!"

Crisp-e said...

Sorry m8, only just managed to get online. Glad to hear you have aches of achievement! Lets hope that the children appreciate the pain you've gone through.