Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Old Timers

Why do people buy pillow slips with loads of frilly shit on them? You wake up with imprints all over your face, Fleur de Lys scars all over your cheeks and forehead. I’ve woken up and looked like someone had embroidered my face during the night. Also, what the fuck is it with grown women with fucking teddy bears on their beds?! You got to cut that shit out ladies, it’s creepy!

Jane frigging Fonda is starting to piss me right off. She is on an ad selling wrinkle cream. After all the Oohs and Aaahs about how wonderful it is and how great she looks, she does the typical old dear thing and says,
“I’m 68, you know!”..
In one sentence she has turned into every lavender smelling geriatric and totally ruined Barbarella for me. Thanks a fucking bunch.

Talking of geriatrics, the house has gained a couple. Housemate parents are visiting and the Dad has Alzheimer’s.
Let me just say from the off, if I get Alzheimer’s, smother me. I do not want to wander aimlessly asking the same fucking questions over and over. I don’t want to stand in front of someone showing them how I use the pockets on my jacket and then treat them to a show of the contents of said pockets! Clean tissues in the left and used tissues in the right. I don’t want to get totally obsessive about the bin I dispose the snotrags in.
I don’t want it to be a surprise when I see someone I saw only 5 minutes ago. I don’t want to look at my loved ones and have absolutely no memory of them ever being in my life. I don’t want to eat my dinner and then believe I have had nothing since breakfast. I don’t want to forget where the toilet is and then be baffled as to how the flush works. I don’t want to have prayers said when I take my medication. That really got me. What an absolute horror to happen to any human being.

I am finding this particularly hard as he and I didn’t get on, but seeing him like this is horrendous. I would have him back hating the air that sustains me any day of the week. The light has gone and there is an empty human in my house.
To tell the truth, it’s kind of freaking me out.

It’s fucking grim people, grim.


Crisp-e said...

Living with Alzheimer’s is an emotional drain on everybody concerned and my heart goes out to you. I remember how I felt when my late Granny got Alzheimer’s. Strangely, her behaviour often made me feel very lonely! I was devastated when she died but also relieved.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with you both. It's awful to see someone lose their identity, their self. And we should be allowed to end lives with dignity too. It's a horrible, horrible thing to happen to a human being.

Sleepy said...

Thanks guys.. xx

Karen said...

Sleepy - I'm going to see the Dixie Chicks tonight, did Schnee tell you?
sorry, i know your blog is very serious and I'm not minimizing that.
I won tickets - in a hospitality suite! and all of their CDs.
wait, you may not even know who they are over there.
- Karen

Sleepy said...

Karen... yep, have heard of them and heard them!
Have a great time! Concerts are ideal for people watching.

Anonymous said...

Oh good, now I can post again.
I agree about the frilly things too, wtf is the point? I almost get the teddy bear thing because I have can get to sleep more easily when I hug my hottle.