Thursday, November 13, 2008

Princes, Paupers And Ponces

Yesterday evening I watched a programme about Prince Charles.
Part of his 60th birthday celebrations and all that bollocks.
I know I’m setting myself up for a bit of grief, but I like the bloke.
Really like him.
I was quite indifferent before I watched but by the end of it I felt a bit sorry for him.
Fuck off with the ‘Oh, but he’s loaded..’ shit. You just think that having his money will make you happy because you haven't got any.
It won’t.
Especially if every slip of the tongue and fuck up was splashed all over the paper.
The woman you love slagged off and they also go for your children.
Think about some of your most embarrassing balls ups on the front pages of The Sun.
Still envious? I’m not.

Then this evening a new programme called ‘Apparitions’ started.
If the rest of the series is as good as the first one, the BBC has got a winner.
I love a bit of the paranormal, so I’m sold.
Schnee, this is SO for you. You’ll love it!
It did make me think though.
Am I the only one who thinks that, “Seminary”, is just the wrong word to be used for anything priest related?

Just so we remember; the more things change, the more they stay the same.


Schneewittchen said...

OH.Mygod. Some ppl are so fucked in the head. That would be blooody unbelievable if it weren't so believable. And is a 'dyke lesbian' different from an ordinary one? (also notice the stupidly inappropriate use of the expression 'out of the woodwork' which I've heard a lot here. Scummy things crawl out of the woodwork, not ordinary ppl.
JHC, I hope that bloke does get done for a hate crime, useless waste of good skin.

I agree with Charles about the appalling way his wife has been treated by the media, particularly the American one. And yes, your point about his private moments being humiliatingly made public is sound.

Can't wait for Apparitions !!!!!

Sleepy said...

Russell Brand came up with a good line when he called some people 'Oxygen Thieves'.
That's exactly what this twat is.

You will love Apparitions!