Maybe they slide right off the pan.
It’s weird, but no matter how many times I see Hugh Fearnley- Whittingstall the urge I have to kick his fucking head in never diminishes.
I wonder why that is?
There was a bit of excitement this evening when the police were called to the 'halfway house'.
The road was blocked for about half an hour while one officer talked to the nosey people across the road and her mate played with a dog further up the street.
I have no idea what it was all about as I was wondering whether I should stop the weed delivery!
This got my grin on today!
It also looks as if Froggish cuisine is pretty much fucked.
That looks like a gigantic upside-down strawberry next to the toilet.
The bog lettuce looks totally the biz though! (I feel there's an inappropriate play on words in there somewhere).
I was wondering why people were being banned from eating their own horses, but I see it is to prevent unnecessary horse drugs getting into the human diet.
Eating your own horse seems an extreme way of scoring some Ketamine!
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