Wednesday, November 12, 2008


My hope that I would wake up ‘all better’ were explosively dashed 5 minutes after my morning cup of tea.
At about four this afternoon normal service was resumed and I was allowed to keep water down.
I managed to time a cigarette run while I was ‘empty’ and got to see some blue sky.

While having a trawl through Youtube I found this.
Not something I have really considered but I suppose I should!

I saw an advert today for online bingo.
An extremely attractive, scantily clad woman who was draped across a bed, seductively touching the laptop keys with her beautifully manicured fingers.
She wanted you to play bingo with her.
I have seen a few chuck out times at the bingo and I can swear on the bible none of what was spilling out looked remotely like that!

My beloved Spurs beat Liverpool 4-2 this evening!
My Football funk has lifted, at last.



I like your blogs, looking forward to your future updates.

Sleepy said...

Thank you football man!

Schneewittchen said...

Again, the LGBT community being progressive and forward thinking whilst the rest of us bobble along at the back wondering what`s going on.

Artemesia said...

An off topic link..About another animal lover..

His book is in the UK.

Sassygril said...

Football funk, that sounds like some kind of 70s disco outfit. I think you should also share what a complete jonah you are every time your beloved Spurs play in a knock out cup competition.'s not just you. My gay, Jewish mate Leigh is exactly the same. Any more of you doing this jonah thing because I think Harry should know. You're clearly capable of doing something to the karma...and sometimes to the results!

Sleepy said...

SCHNEE.. I think it's because we've just got to get on and sort ourselves out.
Straight people just expect family or the state to care for them.

ARTEMESIA.. That is a great story!
I want a Wolf now!
I wonder how happily Cats, Greyhounds and Wolves would coexist?

SASSY.. I will tell them.
When I tuned into the match my Beloved Spurs were 3 nil up.
Within minutes it was 3-1.
I knew it was the start of Jonahdom.
Ten minutes later it was 4-2.
Just as I sent a text to Sassy complaining at the complete crappiness of our keeper, the tosser got kicked in the head and was stretchered off!

This is not the first time I have Jinxed my team and I've decided not to watch anymore of their matches this season.

Crisp-e said...

C'mon the spurs! I nearly cried!!

Sleepy said...

CRISP-E.. It was beautiful mate! Beautiful!