Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Subtitles And The End

Why do I turn up the subtitled bits of a film?
They are talking… and yes, they are talking ‘quietly’ in a language I DON’T understand.
What they are saying is flashed across the bottom of the film, in a language I DO understand, so why do I increase the volume?
It doesn’t make the script of the subtitles any bigger, which is what I actually need.
I’ve also noticed I want other people to “Shush”, while I’m reading.
What’s that about?
I blame the Godfather part two.

Things I have learnt this year…

Insure. The. Fucking. Cats.
To be more brutal when culling self seeded tomatoes.
I can grow Butternut Squash.
People will buy my photos.
I like cooking soups.
Brussel Sprout soup is shite. I was bored, they were cheap, ‘nuff said.
With a bit of planning the garden will feed the house.
Not to buy Aubergines unless I have a specific recipe for them. They don’t keep.
I HAVE to learn how to use the Mac.
I need more exercise.
I should visit my Brothers and Sisters more. They make me laugh SO much.
WD40 gets grease out of a Cashmere jumper but you do smell like a mechanic for a couple of washes.
Not to take part in any kind of BBC phone vote.
Peter O Toole should have won an Oscar for Venus.
I look old enough to mug. The fucking cheek of it.
Housemate Pat is Buddhist. They asked at the hospital.
That sometimes you’ve just got to let go.
Gavin and Stacey never disappoints.
Housemate Claire cooks a pot roast beef that tastes so good it’s sordid.
My Dad likes to talk to me as much as I like talking to him. How cool is that? I’m delighted he told me.
I still hate the Pope.
That while in the garden, shouting “You black twat” at my cat, is probably not a good idea in my multicultural neighbourhood.
I can watch the moment my Great Grandfather died on ‘youtube’. Most freaky.

Have a good one and may it bring you all it should.

Happy New Year.


Schneewittchen said...

Happy New Year Sleepy! And please wish the housemate with the birthday a stonking one from us.

You are so right about Aubergines! I LOVE them, and they look so lush, but then they just sit in the fridge until they turn to mush half the time.

Also spot on about Gavin and Stacey, strength to strength.

To add to your WV collection, 'ressef', which, to be fair, I'm feeling a little bit right now.

Sleepy said...

Back at you!

You'll be here soon!! Whoo Hoo..

Some Chilean Woman said...

Good luck with the took me a while to get it.
Happy New Year Sleepy!

Sleepy said...

SCW... Thank you and you too!

The Mac is another country to me!

Richard de Pesando MA(RCA) said...

Mac's are designed to be intuative, which means that they are a lot easier than you expect them to be - and over compensate by making them difficult.

That is a stonking You Tube moment, as if the entire internet was invented to connect you in time/space with that exact incident....very Dr Who ( I'm still drugged up with Lemsip, sorry )

Happy New Year. Rx

Sleepy said...

Richard.. The families of those on the Barham weren't told of it's loss for weeks.
A Pompey psychic told a relly that it was gone and they banged her up for Witchcraft!

Happy New Year to you and I hope you are feeling better soon.