Yesterday, Mr and Mrs Next Door Without the Kids, invited the inhabitants of Sleepy Mansions round for dinner.
Homemade Chinese food with a seafood theme.
(Prawns, Scallops, Fresh Sea Bass and Squid!)
I hate Chinese food and am allergic to seafood but a free dinner is a free dinner!
The thing is I LOVE scallops and squid.
I will eat them in the certain knowledge that within 2 hours I will be hurling them up.
It’s all over very quickly and the nausea is fleeting.
I also hope that eventually I will build up a resistance to them.
It was a splendid meal and a cracking night.
Today, Housemate Claire did the Race for Life.
I have never been more proud of a friend than I am today and got quite emotional about it.
Especially since the last lot of treatment wiped her out and the PICC line has been giving her a huge amount of discomfort.
During the week she mentioned that Rib of Beef was her favourite cut of meat, ever.
So I got some for today’s dinner as a treat. (Check it out! From a Proper butcher and everything!)
Oh My!
What an amazing tasting roast dinner we had.
Sassy joined us, with a wicked Cheesecake she had made and a cheeky Muscadet.
We scoffed, drank, grooved to tunes, delighted in the fact Schnee will be here for her birthday celebrations and laughed.
Laughed lots.
Homemade Chinese food with a seafood theme.
(Prawns, Scallops, Fresh Sea Bass and Squid!)
I hate Chinese food and am allergic to seafood but a free dinner is a free dinner!
The thing is I LOVE scallops and squid.
I will eat them in the certain knowledge that within 2 hours I will be hurling them up.
It’s all over very quickly and the nausea is fleeting.
I also hope that eventually I will build up a resistance to them.
It was a splendid meal and a cracking night.
I have never been more proud of a friend than I am today and got quite emotional about it.
Especially since the last lot of treatment wiped her out and the PICC line has been giving her a huge amount of discomfort.
During the week she mentioned that Rib of Beef was her favourite cut of meat, ever.
So I got some for today’s dinner as a treat. (Check it out! From a Proper butcher and everything!)
Oh My!
What an amazing tasting roast dinner we had.
Sassy joined us, with a wicked Cheesecake she had made and a cheeky Muscadet.
We scoffed, drank, grooved to tunes, delighted in the fact Schnee will be here for her birthday celebrations and laughed.
Laughed lots.
Oh cool! The roast beef looks beyond awesome too.
Kev was well hungover today, so I did the best cooking I know how - went to LA chicken and bought the twelve piece meal.
Come to think of it, that's not my BEST cooking - that's going to M&S.
Hope the Exorcist impression is over and done with.
It was the best bit of beef I've tasted in years.
Oh, Oh nearly forgot, there is Dripping!
There is an end bit of bread with my name on.
It was a cracking night. Most excellent! I feel slightly worse for wear but I shall soldier on!
Loving death by Budweiser idea...
You would have been worse without the tea!
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