Sunday, January 14, 2007

Green Eyed Monster

As many of you know, Sunday is when I worship at the Church of Sky Sports 1.
Revering one of my gods, known as football.
As you can imagine everybody has an opinion about David Beckham.
So, from the sofa in my Sunday best, (dressing gown and slippers), here is the homily.

David Beckham didn’t wake up one morning suddenly able to do what he does.
He practised for hours and hours on end.
During those teenage years when the majority were out smoking, drinking cider, doing drugs and earning ASBO points.
He was practising.
He was living 200 miles away from home and family, living football and practising.
Eventually, because of practise, he got to play for one of the greatest clubs and his country.
He acquired a ‘high maintenance’ wife.
Week in and week out he had thousands chanting obscenities at him about her. Imagine going to work and all you get is people abusing someone you love.
After the World Cup sending off incident, effigies of him were burnt. He received mail hoping his child would die of cancer.
Think of the injuries he’s had. The strain any sport puts on joints. Next time you see a free kick of his, look at his standing leg.
I have terrible joint problems because of the sport I played when I was younger and I wasn’t at his level or played for as long.
As he gets older he is going to have pain and as his looks go so will his earning potential.

We have all been told that hard work and sacrifice will bring a reward. That’s what he’s done.
Fucking fair play to him. Grab the money and run.
Think back to the public outcry there was when one of the “Heroes of ‘66” was going to auction his winner’s medal. Why was he selling it? Because he had fuck all, except medical bills.
Think about it the next time the lottery is up to 25 million and you are buying a ticket.
You wouldn’t be buying that ticket if you had got off your fucking arse and made yourself world class in whatever your talent is.

Would it be too difficult to see it for what it actually is?
WE ARE FUCKING JEALOUS and we are collectively bullying him. The disease of clawing down anybody who has made good just because it wasn’t us.

Here endeth the lesson.

Has anyone else seen the advert for Dettol Kitchen Spray?
It makes all sorts of claims about killing Bacteria but also claims to kill MRSA.
Has no one thought to let the NHS in on this secret?
If it’s expensive I’m sure a deal can be done with Lidl.
I’d love to see them get a Royal Charter or whatever they are called.

“Lidl, purveyors of fine food with labels no one can read, to HRH the Duchess of Cornwall”.

How cool would that be?


Sassygril said...

Well, this is what happens when people want the market and socialism simultaneously. It means you get all the green eyed monster shit levelled at someone like David Beckham who worked damned hard to get to where he is in a market where such skills are hugely rewarded. But then people don't like the market because it's seemingly over rewarded a guy for playing a child's they want socialism of some sort and get it though being perfectly vile thinking that this evens things up.
Grow up.
He is hugely well paid, but he has also given pleasure to many and work to quite a few too. I would imagine that Man Utd and Real Madrid made more out of him than he ever did out of them. Like Kevin Keegan before him, he illustrates the importance of hard work and skills development. They weren't born footballers, they honed whatever psycho-motor skills they had to be the best they could be. Fortuntely for them, they turned out to be exceptionally good at their craft. Fair play.

LentenStuffe said...

People love to create idols just so they can have the pleasure of smashing them -- what else accounts for the insane cult of personality. If Beckham courted the press, he should have guessed at the tail from that lump in its pants.

That said, the magic he displays on the field is where he is most truly himself, and none of his fans or detractors can match that. So they should bow out. I totally agree with you -- it's all product, packaging and marketing.

Sleepy said...

Sassy..Nicely put. Shirt sales alone were worth millions to the clubs.

Schnee..I think that is another aspect to it. If his skills can't be faulted then let's start in on his voice or lack of education!
If he were a genius educationally, he wouldn't be playing football in the first place!
How many of your top set kids were also excellent at sport?
I can't comment.
Wouldn't know a top set kid if it bit me in the arse!
The kids I got WOULD bite my arse!

lentenstuffe.. The magic people like Beckham display, is what makes it 'The Beautiful Game'.

Slightly upset at my beloved Spurs. Snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

Schneewittchen said...

Well, I'm not sure I get the original premise really. I personally can't be jealous of DB because I don't see what I would be jealous of. I have no interest in sporting competence or celebrity.

If I were jealous that he has lots of money I'd be jealous of everyone who has lots of money and that isn't true, for example I think Tom Cruise is a twat, but I like other highly paid actors. Although it's true that I don't see why either, sports stars or actors should be paid huge amounts of money nor why anyone needs that amount.

Beckham's just a twat because he's a twat but he's a public embarrassment when he opens his mouth.

One of the girls in my year 10 German group did or rather does play football and I understand was rather good, also netball, but who cares, I wasn't even vaguely interested in how good any of them were at sport except in so far as I was interested in the things that were important to them. So since she loved football I valued that she enjoyed it.

Dettol on the other hand....well actually, household bleach kills MRSA I believe, hell, household bleach kills HI Virus, the secret is in the fact that it needs to be applied.