Thursday, January 11, 2007

Nicotine And Rain

Not wishing to sound stereotypically British but the weather is horrendous.
Roofs have been blown off, trees uprooted, power lines are down. Flood warnings are in effect in many places but you can guarantee a hose pipe ban in a few months time.
The wind has taken next door’s back gate straight off its hinges and Mrs Next Door has a face like a slapped arse. She has been bitching at Mr Next Door to get it sorted for some time. (Our walls aren’t thin but she is shrill!)
I lasted as long as I could but my body’s relentless call for nicotine drove me out of the house and into the maelstrom.
I made the ‘skinning up Oregano’ mistake in 1985 and I won’t be doing that again.
The rain was horizontal and the wind so strong I had no choice but to jog. Well, on the way there, anyway.
Coming back against the wind, I think I must have looked like a mime artist pulling myself along on an invisible rope.
When I got in, I had to go through that whole wrestling thing that happens when you try and take off wet jeans. To be confronted with legs the colour of corned beef, the shitty stuff in cans not the proper stuff. Twenty minutes later the sky was blue, the rain had stopped and the ‘hurricane’ had dropped to a gentle breeze. It stayed like that for 10 minutes, the time it takes me to get to the shop and back.
I’m sure I heard G-d chuckling.

Another advert is getting on my tits. Just for a change!
A little oriental boy sat on the toilet has a total tantrum because a white contraption on the wall isn’t working. His Mum is outside asking what is wrong, all of a sudden he has a pen and writing material (Most unhygienic). He ‘draws’ that the air freshener has run out.
So, basically what they are saying is, “shit stinks“.
No, really?
And air freshener takes the smell away. Well, thank fuck they told me that. I would never have got that one on my own!


Schneewittchen said...

Well I'll send some Schneewittchery your way.

I think we had the chinese boy on the loo ad some time ago. In my experience, most air fresheners smell worse than poo.

LentenStuffe said...

"It's all gone! It's all gone!"
That whining little whelp! I'm with you on that advert. We're pestered with it on this side of the pond as well ... as indeed we are with those life-altering gale force winds ... never seen anything like 'em.

I hope you don't mind me visiting here. I really love your blog. I especially liked your camper post. I wonder if the cops have released that roadside soiree of blackberry picking yet. Pure Classic!

Sassygril said...

I'm with Schnee - they def smell worse than pooh. Just open the bloody window for 5 minutes - why are we so incapable of doing one free, simple activity that gets rid of smell of shit??? And they're really environmentally unfriendly.
Went to London yesterday - bastards escaped the foulness that was the weather. Going there again today (family tea and sympathy) so if they're still OK weather wise we will have to bomb them...

Sleepy said...

Schnee.. It usually ends up smelling like someone has crapped the fragrance of the freshener.

lentenstuffe.. Hello and Cead mile failte!(Can't find those accenty things!)

Sassy.. Have a wander along Charing Cross Road for me and see if Silver Moon bookshop is still there!

Schneewittchen said...

Hmmmm...Lentenstuffe, I think I live across the pond, I think Ireland is more across the slight trickle.
Tho I do appreciate that it's a fairly rough and tormented trickle.

Sleepy said...

At some point it was a 'Land Bridge'...
See what happens if you have a Geologist in the house!