The new frog has really settled well.
I have named her ‘Shirley’.
It seemed like the ideal name to go with the resident, ‘Annie’!
I’m undecided as to the name of the toad.
In the running we have: Dimitar, Ruth and Derek.
Today I rode the ‘Loser Cruiser’ round to Crisp-e’s.
It wasn’t the chav filled horror it usually is and the diazepam helped me understand the Polish bus driver.
Perhaps they made ME more understandable to him!
I don’t like venturing out too much but always have such a laugh with Crisp-e the ‘public’ interaction is worth it.
He’s good for my soul and stops me taking myself too seriously.
Hopefully I do something similar for him.
I remember my Grandfather telling me a long time ago, probably when I was prattling on about all my ‘friends’ at school; that if I ended up with five good friends I should count myself very lucky indeed.
Twenty Five years later, I get it.
Some are a 'plane ride, some a bus ride and some a stone's throw but I totally get it.
I’m loving this idea!
Years ago I lived in a student house where we made a floor to ceiling ‘throne’ from empty beer and cider cans.
I wish I’d had a camera then, instead of spending my money on beer and cider!
It lasted 2 years before it collapsed under the weight of a couple attempting to have sex in it.
There is a woman somewhere in the world with Bulmer’s imprinted on/into her arse and I have a fear of ‘widgets’ that will last a lifetime.
Re Wind in the Willows/Mr.Toad of Toad Hall by Kenneth Grahame..
Grammy, Kenny, Ms. Toad, Mr. Toad,
Toddy, Crackers (for Grahame)
Your bucket pond seems rife for it's own story what with dragons flying overhead and all those dangerous vegetables nearby.
A.. I know! For such a small thing really, it attracts so much.
'Creatures' I'd never have thought would be mooching about a city!
I'm delighted with it.
Perfect naming! My immediate toad name was Derek - a fitting trio, but then I do so love the French word for toad, 'crapaud', sounding like crappo, that would also complete the froggie trio.
You've made me think about my friends' list. Most of the ones I'd put on that list I have known a very, very long time, but a few are just as strong but younger. Interesting to think about that.
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