Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Damned

What fucking century are we living in?

It gets worse.

When does it start mattering?
When people who read a fucking made up book start spouting their shit about someone you give a crap about?
Maybe when blue eyed people are persecuted, beaten and killed for something they have no choice about?
Do you think any gay person chooses it?
Who would choose a half life, where you can’t really be honest to everyone about yourself?
Who would choose to have complete strangers screaming that you are going to hell?
Or that you were born with ‘an inherent moral evil’?
Who would CHOOSE that?

Remember, what’s in ‘The Bible’ was chosen by a bunch of blokes during the 8th/9th century. They chose the Gospels that suited them and strengthened their positions.
Basically the books that made no mention of the part women played in Christ’s ministry and made any woman he came into contact with a slag.
Except his mother, of course. But they got round that one didn’t they?
A virgin?
My, damned to hell lesbian, arse!

How many of you have said, “Oh, I have a gay friend, they are great laugh, I have no problem with it.”?
But how many of you would do the “No, I’m Spartacus” bit if they were getting seven shades of shit kicked out of them?
In your heads you’d like to think you would.
The reality is a lot different.

Ah, fuck it. I can’t be bothered. Nothing will change and I'll just wind myself up.


LentenStuffe said...

I discovered long ago that few can prove their moral courage by writing about it; in fact, my alarm bells start going off when I read people trying to make a case for their sincerity: If I told you I'd risk life and limb to protect you would you believe me?

Schneewittchen said...

I disagree Lenten, well, I kind of disagree. It is as ever a battle for minds, a battle to change attitudes and writing is powerful in that.
And I disagree Sleepy, again I kinda disagree, things will change, they HAVE changed, but it's buggerishly slow.
Oscar Wilde was gaoled for his homosexuality. Paul Verlaine was denounced by his lover Rimbaud and gaoled after a humiliating medical examination.
Even if we weren't to respond to seeing one of our friends being beaten by also claiming to be gay - and the more logical response in any case would be to muckle in and or maybe call the Old Bill, whose DUTY it is to take action - the fact that we simply don't think of our gay friends as being any different from ourselves does mean something.
Things aren't good enough, but they're not as bad as they were in the west.
In countries like Iran and Iraq, gay people suffer terribly, but it is simply one facet of an entire regime of suppression and torture for all kinds of things, including, very much including for just being a woman.
And you know what, I've never hit ANYONE I didn't actually give birth to, but if I saw any of my friends or even casual acquaintances being beaten, or really any other human being, I'd do whatever the fuck I could, which may not be enough, but it would be better than walking on by or even not caring.

Sleepy said...

Lenten.. I KNOW my friends would jump in instantly!

Schnee.. I don't believe an awful lot has changed.
What has changed is that it is 'spoken' about, but that doesn't change people's hearts.

LentenStuffe said...

Martin Luther King discovered that those who failed his movement most miserably were the clergy -- didn't matter the denomination. James Baldwin said that the most segregated moment in American life was high noon on Sunday.

Supposing there was a gay parade in London, and hundreds of thousands turned out, and supposing hundreds of thugs also showed to cause trouble. How many would offer assistant to a lone gay man or woman, who just happened to be cornered by a gang of these thugs, and was getting the shit beaten out of him or her? Would it make a difference whether you knew the victim or not, whether he or she was a friend or not? Get involved and you too will get your ass whupped. Duty is all very well and good, but self-preservation trumps honour anyday, I should imagine.

I agree with sleepy -- nothing much has changed.

Jinx said...

"Duty is all very well and good, but self-preservation trumps honour anyday" - Bull shit. I'd rather know in my heart that i'd done the right thing and risk my health by doing so than walk on by. What kind of a person does it make you if you ignore something like that?

Speaking as a member of a younger generation, i think it's slowly filtering through that it is normal to be gay. That's probably because i live in london and not in some village up north but it is changing, slowly.

What needs to be adressed is people manipulating religion to discriminate against LGBT people. Replace "LGBT" with "black" and you see just how disgusting it really is.

Sleepy said...

Jinx.. For you.. xx

Each generation improves the world for the next.
My Grandparents willed me strength
My parents willed me pride
I will to you rage.
I give you a world incomplete,
a world where women are still chattel.
Where colour still shuts doors
Where sexual choice still threatens,
But I give you a legacy of doers
of people who take risks
to chisel the crack wider.

...Pat Parker...