Thursday, June 28, 2007


People, I’m in a bit of a panic.
Is Kangaroo Kosher?
I’ve had THE most gorgeous meal this evening in a pub called The French Horn.
It has recently been taken over by an Australian couple and they have ‘Roo as well as Crocodile Tail on the menu.
The lack of scales and fins put the Croc immediately into the Trief area of the menu, but Kangaroo?
Where does this fit?
It chews the cud but has the wrong feet.
What an animal eats and the shape of its feet are important in dietary law.
It was fucking lovely though! One of the most tender, tastiest pieces of meat I’ve eaten in a long time.
Totally yummers.
Trouble is, I didn’t even think of it’s Kasrut status until I was more than halfway through it.
Even then, it was too tasty to stop!

Ah, fuck it! I’m going straight to hell anyway.


Crisp-e said...

Back from France! Hmmm, not sure about that one.

Sleepy said...

Dred... What were you doing there?!

LentenStuffe said...


Look at the beautiful bottom on that wallaby. Sheeeee's a beauty.

Put another kangy on the barby, eh. Lucky it wasn't sauteed platypuss. That shit's raunchy as all get-out!

Schneewittchen said...

Seems fairly simple to me. When you want to eat Kangaroo - tho it beats me why anyone would want to, my ex father-in-law cooked some up once and it smelt like dog food - you simply channel your Catholic side.

Sleepy said...

I try and channel both sides OUT of it!

I may start my own, The Church Of The Latter Day Pissed Up Testicosticals!
Has a certain ring to it!

Crisp-e said...

I was on the French exchange. Will tell you all about it when I see you. x

Schneewittchen said...

Ooh, The Church Of The Latter Day Pissed Up Testicosticals! Cool! I want in. Can I pick my own Saints? St. Jack, St. Johnny, St. Pellegrino. Ay Caramba !

Ha'ger Avram said...

Kangaroo's chew the cud, but dont have a dicided hoof and so its NOT KOSHER. Sorry!