Friday, April 20, 2007

The 20th

Today is my Grandmother’s Yahrziet.
She had a massive heart attack and died while on the phone to my Aunt.
The Aunt wasn’t the most stable of people to begin with, so you can imagine the effect that had on her!
The family say she is, ‘highly strung’,
I say she is, Fucking Mental!
Over 20 years later, I can still remember what I was thinking as I was told she was gone.
‘Mmmm.. 20th April, Hitler’s birthday’.
It’s also the day, in 1968, when Enoch Powell delivered his ‘Rivers Of Blood Speech’.
Even if you disagree with the man’s politics, you have to admit he was a great Orator.

I associate my Nan with love, hugs and food! I’ll commemorate her later by making bread and playing something by The Fureys!

I don’t have a problem with butterflies.
They are pretty, floaty and try and stay away from you.
Moths, are a different kettle of fish all together.
There is something sinister about Moths.
They fly straight AT your head.
There is nothing floaty about their flight and I’ve yet to see a pretty one.
(Maybe a White Plume Moth, but that came straight at my head.)
Try and bat them away and they just ‘Matrix’ you.
Hovering in front of your face, their little moth leg gesturing
“Come On Then”,
A ‘Morpheus’ Moth.

Schnee, engage Sports Filter.
I have to admit to being a bit pissed off.
Jacqui Oatley has ‘stolen’ my fantasy job. She is to be the first female commentator on Match Of The Day.
I have had my eye on this job for at least a decade. I’ve spent years saying exactly the same things as Motty and co, minutes before them!
Not the bollocks either,
‘That was a yard short of an inch perfect pass’, What? Idiot.
But not everyone is happy. The Daily Nazi Sports writer, Steve Curry, said he didn’t want to hear a woman ‘screeching’ at him.
He also suggested that she may have been ’Fast Tracked’.
Fucking Fast tracked!
First woman in more than 40 years of the programme and she has been Fast Tracked?!


Jinx said...

Thats men for you; half-witted and too scared to ask for a woman's guidance!

Sleepy said...

Jinx.. Innit!