Friday, April 27, 2007

Puke And Prayer

My day got off to a cracking start when I stood in cat sick. This is the second time in my cat owning life that this has happened and the rage was no less.
While half hobbling, half hopping to the bathroom I stubbed my fucking toe.
I stood on the landing and roared. The felines appeared from nowhere and legged it, which enraged me even more.
I showered, dressed, put on boots and went in search of arses to kick.
Not a cat to be found.
They’ll get hungry before I calm down.

Here we go.
Six people, including three grandmothers, have been arrested accused of Satanic abuse.
Fifteen children at a school outside Rome have, allegedly, been abused at the teachers’ houses and in the woods.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.. Of course they have.
There hasn’t been a good ‘Moral Panic’ case for some while. They keep trying to wind the ‘Internet Paedophiles’ into our consciousness but I think “Terrorism” has the upper hand at the moment.
Funny, how when the Church seems to be having a bit of a ‘wobble’ in terms of control, this sort of shit starts appearing.
Haven’t Mexico just legalised abortion causing The Church to excommunicate anyone who voted ‘yes‘?
Religious Terrorism?

This church story has cracked me up though. A silent order of Nuns are being allowed to ‘talk’ over the internet!
You can email them and ask questions about what it’s like to pray all fecking day!
If you have to ask, you need a slap upside the head.
Who else thinks that this isn’t all the good Sisters will be receiving by email?!

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