Monday, April 09, 2007

Creosote, Mitzvahs And Moses

It has been a gorgeous day and I have spent time in the garden creosoting the back gate.
The smell of creosote is possibly one of the best in the world, I love bitumen as well.
Creosote whisks me straight back to 1980 and painting the fence for my Grandfather.
Mr and Mrs Next Door have had a new gate fitted so I did theirs for them too.
I thought the penultimate day of Passover was as good a time as any to perform a Mitzvah and let them spend the time with their kids.
I am creosote spattered and my arms look like those piebald children who were shown off as Victorian curiosities.

If you are a Reform Jew, today is the last day of Passover, tomorrow if you are Orthodox.
Tradition says that this is the day the Red Sea parted. I have munched so much lamb in the last few days, I’m starting to fear the Welsh!
From now on we are counting down to Shavuot.
It used to be an agricultural celebration, now it commemorates Moses getting the Ten Commandments.

Which takes me straight to a childhood memory from when we were living with my Grandparents.
We had watched Charlton Heston in The Ten Commandments, with my Grandfather’s running commentary of, ‘Bollocks’ and sarcastic huffing and puffing.
A few days later The Agony And The Ecstasy was on.
As the film progressed my Grandmother started getting more and more twitchy and agitated.
Eventually she came out with one of her fantastic lines.
(She had a few!)
She looked at my Grandfather and in all seriousness said,
“I didn’t know Moses painted the Sistine Chapel”.
If I shut my eyes, I can still see the look of utter incredulity on his face, priceless!
I remember laughing so hard and thinking how much I loved these people.

"I've learned that people will forget what you've said,
people will forget what you did, but people will never
forget how you made them feel."

Maya Angelou.


LentenStuffe said...


I could hardly believe it -- our geezers here aired "The Passion" for Easter! I was half tempted to go out and rent "The Life of Brian" out of sheer cussedness. Sure, they'll ban that but will think nothing of subjecting us to that Mel Gibson's schlock!

Gibson ... asshole extraordinaire!

Your Grandparents sound great!

Sleepy said...

I found 'The Passion' very difficult to watch.

The Grandparents were brill!

Schneewittchen said...

Wow, here we had the first episode of the final series of the Sopranos, similar to The Passion only more equal opps execution. More arseholes for your money.

I'm really not a big fan of lamb, Indian and Greek cuisine know how to treat it for my taste, smother it in harsh spices.

Sassygril said...

That's wonderful. I also like the agricultural festivals in the religious calendar so harvest festival was always a big favourite even if it was always tinned.

If you're into creosote, I've sure got some fence panels for you!

Sleepy said...

Sassy.. Funnily enough, I was going to offer to do those for you!

Schnee.. No More Sopranos? It's just wrong.

Sassygril said...

Oh, well, if you're offering!

I'm skint until end of month, so will organise mass creosoting once pay day comes along. I have just purchased a cheap curain rail and managed to negotiate my way around Waitrose without twatting any one or calling some errant brat a c-word under my breath. This is a significant life achievement, no?

Sleepy said...

Sassy.. Have just returned from the same Waitrose.
Where do all those pensioners come from?
They must bus them in.

Schneewittchen said...

I'm really surprised they haven't yet made creosote a banned substance.

Sleepy said...

Schnee.. It's too yummy!