Thursday, May 22, 2008

Service Resumed

After almost a fortnight weed free. Normal service has resumed.
Thank G-d.
Having to use man made painkillers has left me in all sorts of trouble.
The main problem being they do bugger all for the pain and wrecks my internal workings.
Both make me extraordinarily grumpy and bad tempered.

This has cracked me up!
It really isn’t any wonder some of them preferred to remain anonymous.
I won’t be entering.
The one photo I have of myself is a testament to another age.
A time when photographing your children stark bollock naked seemed to be all the rage and didn’t get you arrested.
Family albums would suggest that until the age of three I was naked or partially clad most of the time.
I remember hating shoes and refusing to wear them, I don’t recall hating clothes.
Except dresses.
Well, that’s that one answered!

I know I’ve mentioned this to Sassy.
I’m convinced Avram Grant should be in a Scooby Doo cartoon being unmasked as the ‘baddy’.

Ho Hum.
Back to the weed!


Schneewittchen said...

Erk, American spelling cracks me up too. Hate it. When I get a time machine I'm going to go back in time and assassinate that eejit Webster.

Sleepy said...

I try my hardest to keep my spelling 'proper english', but most of the time I'm at the mercy of Spellchecker.
It's a battle of wills sometimes!

Schneewittchen said...

Yea, soz, wasn't referring to anything you'd writ, the link led directly to an orthographic abomination.