Thursday, April 02, 2009


We’ve been seeing a lot of Mrs Obama in the news and she, in return, has been touching our Queen.
Am I the only one who thinks there is something just a little amiss with her face?
Something slightly asymmetrical?
Like the opposite halves of two different heads.
As though one side is Dionne Warwick and other Diana Ross.
If not, those robbing bastard opticians are right and it’s time to have my eyes retested.
I always end up cancelling because I forget I have the appointment and have a smoke.
Fortunately my eyes never get bloodshot but it really freaks them out when my pupils react oddly.
Then I get the giggles and things rapidly descend in to farce.

I forgot to mention this earlier but we’ve had the best line so far in Shameless.
On the prospect of Mickey going to prison Mimi comes out with the blinder that he’d be,
“…passed from man to man like dysentery in a death camp..”
I made my throat sore roaring at that one.

Rediscovered this tune today.

Holy shit! I know I shouldn’t laugh, but…


Schneewittchen said...

OFF WITH HER HEAD!!!! (both mismatching sides of it).

Sleepy said...

There is something wrong with her moue though!