Wednesday, April 01, 2009


When did Obama turn into THE most BORING economics teacher ever?
You’d hardly know he was here.
Check out the Obama’s meeting the Queen and Prince of Lilliput!
How fucking big are these people?!


Some Chilean Woman said...

What's Michelle Obama doing with cotton candy? Oh wait, that's the Queen!! Och, she could still eat her Giant style.

Sleepy said...

Hahaha! I like it!

Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the second, by the grace of G-d, of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the British dominions beyond the sea, Defender of the Faith... and sometime Candyfloss Impersonator!

Artemesia said...

How tall are the 'Royal Family?'
Princess Diana gave them a new infusion of DNA that boosted that German Mozartian, Lilliputian gene.

Some years back I saw an exhibit that had clothing and funiture from the Prince of Wales & Mrs. Simpson..The Prince's trousers and Jacket laid out by the invisible butler, looked like they were made for a doll, so small. Was the Prince of Wales 5'1"? or 2" or 3"?

In that photo, the Queen looks like a doll, not just the shrinkage that some elderly people exhibit..the lady is short!

Prince Philip also comes up short. I had imagined him taller. The Obamas are 6' and 6'2". Quite common in America these days. It's more than the harmones injected into hog and steer necks! Perhaps it comes from aspiration..something I suspect was sadly lacking in Amy Winehouse's childhood..a kind of Cockney's don't you dare to rise up too high..Here kiddo, have a snort instead. Brain opiates to stunt the 'lower classes.'

Now there was one great girl, a magnificent stork of a woman, the poet Edith Sitwell! She and her poetry were stratospheric..In the English/Scottish upper-crust, there have been these giants!

There was a name for little people like Mozart and Brahams..I think it's called kleiner mensch..

Sleepy said...

Someone I used to know was born in America in 1952.
Moved to Enland in 1964 and attended the American School in London.
He reckoned that when they had to play the 'English' schools at sport they were at least double the size of kids their own age.
This, we put down to the English kids having being raised during a time of 'rationing' and were lacking vitamins.

Queen Victoria was just about five foot, not sure about Albert.
So not too surprizing her Grandson wasn't too lofty.
Diet back then was pretty crappy too.
Prince Phillip, with his Danish, German and Greek mix hits about 6 foot.

I think Sitwell hit about six foot.
As a Yorkshire family I'd say she was probably had a thrown back Viking gene!