Saturday, July 07, 2007


Today is the 7th of the 7th 07.
Seven is seen by many traditions as a special or magical number.
So today I’ve been thinking about 7’s and here’s everything that I can come up with, off the top of my stoned head.
I’m sure there will be loads if I can be arsed to check.

G-d rested on the seventh day.
7 is neutral pH and the atomic number of Nitrogen.
Seven Hills of Rome.
7 Dwarves.
Seven Wonders of the World.
7 Deadly Sins.
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers!
7 Sacraments in the Catholic Church.
Seven notes in the Western musical scale.
The Magnificent Seven.
7 sides of a fifty pence coin.
Seven Heavens in Islamic tradition.
7 days in a week.
Seven ages of man.
7 colours in the rainbow.
Seven’s, is the name of a card game the Grandfather taught us.
The Secret Seven books by Enid Blyton.
Seven Samurai by Akira Kurosawa.
Seven of Nine. Mmmmm..
7 seas.
Seven Sisters. Stars and the tube station.
7 Chakras.
Seven branches on a Menorah.
7 bones in your neck.
Seven Virtues.
There is no M7 motorway in England.


Sassygril said...

What is a gunt? Maybe it's jet lag or my usual ignorance, or even Lenten being polite but I have no idea...

Going to find your electricals tomorrow, Sleepy. I have found a woman who knows some outlets...

Sleepy said...

A 'Gunt' is that thing, certain fat women have just below the belly, just above the genitals..
Not quite a gut and not quite a cu... Well, you get the idea!

Wicked news on the electricals! How is Hong Kong? Or are we in Singers?

Jinx said...

"Seven of Nine. Mmmmm.."

Glad i'm not the only one who was thinking that!

Sleepy said...

jinx.. I could do things to seven of nine that are banned in 46 countries and haven't been imagined in others!