Friday, January 11, 2008

The Last Action Hero

Wednesday evening, during the meal with Sassy, she spoke about Edmund Hillary and funeral eulogies.
Look what she did?
She only went and killed a world hero! A man who is almost a god in Nepal.
I’m coming up with a list of people who piss me off, for discussion next time we are together.
The two of us could do some damage.
I managed to kill Steve Urwin a year or two ago.
It seems that our powers are limited to Antipodean types at the moment, but given some practise…. Who knows!
I’ve been trying NOT to think about Rolf Harris and concentrating on Peter Andre instead.

I don’t know how many years of therapy this one would take, but my money is on a hell of a lot.
I can’t get my head around just how disturbing that would be.
Makes me shudder every time I think of it.

This would spook the hell out of me.
Get it a fecking kitten?
I’d have that creepy little bastard put down.

My favourite Sir Ed story is this.
12 years ago a 14 year old, called Ollie Bradshaw, phoned him up for help with his homework.
He said,
“Out of all the very important people in the country, the fact that I could call up the greatest New Zealander out of the blue and have him yarn to a 14 year old, pretty much sums the guy up.”

Rest gently Sir Ed.
They don’t make them like him anymore.


Anonymous said...

"the late cat" - almost as good as an ex-parrot!

friends of mine had their son via in-vitro (both being women, they kind of needed the help). They had a few bad batches so ended up asking the nurse at the clinic "who's a good one"? She referred them to the sperm that got her pregnant. I wonder how many other people got referred to the same sperm? The clinic was in Vancouver, the kid lives in Vancouver, I think the likelihood he meets some siblings is probably pretty high...

my word today - kegvump

Sleepy said...

For that very reason I have told my youngest sister that she always needs to know where her daughter's half brother is!

At the clinics you'd hope they'd limit donor use or at least do swaps with other clinics in different cities.

Have just had the idea of "Sperm Top Trumps".

My Word - ciltfasi!

Sassygril said...

I did not kill SIr Ed - psychically or otherwise. It was my secret intention to go and see him - I'm due to go back to NZ later on this year. I knew that he was poorly but I thought that given he was built of the same stuff as Everest itself, I might have been in with a chance. Such a shame. An adorable man - and you are right, they don't make them like him any more.

Sleepy said...

You Jinxed him mate.
Totally Jonah-ed him!

Schneewittchen said...

Erk, sperm donor, alley cat blokes, what's the diff?
Sheesh, I sure feel kegvump this evening. Except more wine box than keg.
Sleepy's is just dyslexic for 'Clitface'

Sleepy said...


You are SO right!
Imagine it that was your surname!

Sassygril said...

Almost as bad as a woman being called Binty Kunting...