Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Brought To Book

As I blogged about before, I feel I didn’t read enough last year.
This year I have started off at a sprint.
I’ve read, The Book Of Fathers, which is a cracking book.
The Last Kingdom by Bernard Cornwell.
The Last Witchfinder by James Morrow.
The Magdalene Cipher by Jim Hougan, this is the one I have the problem with.
As the title suggests there is a touch of The Da Vinci Code about this book. It’s not a challenging read by any stretch but when one of the characters started paying someone in 100 pound notes I wanted to launch it through the window.
When Jim started spelling Ochre, Ocher I wanted to burn it.

Ages ago I looked in to the possibility of being a proof reader but was told it is nigh on impossible, unless you know someone in a publishing house and even then it’s not easy. Exams, tests and the like, which you have to pay for.
So, to read such glaring mistakes makes me fucking furious!
£100 note? Fucking ignorant Septic.
Doesn’t take a lot of research that one. Type British currency in to wikipedia you lazy prick.
Three Scottish banks issue a £100 note and they are not legal tender ANYWHERE.

Bad writing I will suffer, with some vitriol, piss poor spelling gets right on my tits but terrible research is just the worst crime. Maybe that is the History graduate coming out.
There is no excuse for it though.
Has anybody else read John Connolly’s books? Not the Connolly who has Harry Bosch as the hero, the other one?
Schnee, you would love these. Excellent crime mysteries with a touch of the ‘Derek Accorah’s’.
I love these.
I’m constantly disappointed in bookshops, when I find he hasn’t written a new one yet.


Schneewittchen said...

Well, here's the thing, I miss WHSmith, it's one of the shops I go and wallow in whenever I go back to the UK.
However, there are some truly wonderful Canadian writers, and I'm doubly blessed because the ones I have read have been mostly women, and my own reading target was to read more women writers, there aren't so many women who write sci-fi, always my first choice of reading matter.
I'll stock up with recommended reading next time I'm back.

Sleepy said...

I love Ottakers and when I'm in London, Foyles.