Wednesday, February 28, 2007

In A Mosque On Purim

Talk about the ‘fervour of a convert’.
I am in love with Little Mosque On The Prairie.
Schnee, Thank you so much for pointing it out.
I beg anyone who hasn’t seen it, to go to youtube immediately and have a look.
It’s brilliant.

Today is Purim. A Jewish holiday you can eat, drink and smoke while observing it! The only one I think.
It celebrates the time when the Jews in Persia were saved from extermination.
Esther was married to the Persian King but had kept her Jewishness a secret from her husband, because her Cousin Mordechai had told her to.
Haman was the King’s advisor and hated Mordechai so plotted against the Jews.
He told the King the Jews wouldn’t observe his laws because they had a set of their own. (Usual shit!)
The King left it up to Haman to decide their fate.
He chose getting rid of them.
Esther was asked to go to the King and let him know the score. This was really dangerous because anyone who went to the King without being summoned, was put to death.
Fortunately, the King was pleased to see her and she told him about the plot.
The Jews were saved and Haman was hanged on the gallows set up for Mordechai.
During the celebrations, loads of noise has to be made! Feet stamped, Booing and hissing. Rattles, like the old football ones are swung about. Apparently, this is so we don’t hear Haman’s name.
The Talmud says, ‘ a person is required to drink until he cannot tell the difference between, “Cursed be Haman” and Blessed be Mordechai’.
It’s also about doing charitable things too and sending presents.
People dress up and put on shows. It’s Carnival time!

I’m celebrating at the weekend!

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