Thursday, October 11, 2007

Great Things

Twenty five years ago today I was playing truant from school. I was sat with thousands of others on Southsea seafront.
After a two hour wait I saw Henry VIII’s warship, Mary Rose, break the surface after laying on the bottom of The Solent for 437 years.
It was an amazing ‘hair stand on end’ moment.
A great thing.

Another great thing that has happened today.
Doris Lessing is the first British woman to receive a Nobel Prize for Literature.
The general consensus appears to be, ‘about bloody time’.
From her appearance on the News I’d say she was pleased, but decidedly underwhelmed.
When told by a reporter as she got out of a taxi at her home she responded, “Oh Christ”.
She said that she had won every other prize in Europe and they were just giving her this one before she died.
Brilliant grumpy old lady.

Another great thing happened today.
M in Wiltshire had a photo used by the BBC News!
It was a piece about Autumn colours coming early and it was one of four photos used.
Hers was the best though!

I America it is National Coming Out Day today!
Did you ever hear of such a thing?
I really can’t see that catching on here.

And finally…. People, as I have ALWAYS contended, Vodka is good for you!


Schneewittchen said...

Wow, how cool! The lot that is.

Kev and I went and saw the Mary Rose being sprayed in wax down at the old dockyard, if they ever get it finished, Joan Rivers could go in there and get embalmed (even more).

I've never read any Doris Lessing, why is that? What's her stuff like? I like that she's a grumpy old bag, my kinda gal.

We should have a National Coming Out day in Canada, I know a few ppl who could use a push.

Way to go M! Hopefully the beginning of great things.

Has anyone ever argued the point about voddie? I think not. I have been trying to make my feet smaller using the chocolate method this evening. It must be said, I do have small feet and I do eat a lot of chocolate :)

Sleepy said...

When Mary Rose first came up she was put in a dry dock in the Dockyard.
A relative who was working in there got us in to see it.
My abiding memory of that is.... The hideous smell! It was bad enough to make people retch!

I haven't read Doris either!
But she definitely sounds like a bit of a girl. Left first husband and kids (She had no choice about the kids in those days)in Rhodesia.
She is thought of as a feminist writer. But she doesn't think she is.

M is chuffed to bits!