Saturday, October 27, 2007

Stripping And Tripping

Today, Crisp-e and I have helped Sassy strip her floorboards.
I have a bruise on the inside of my forearm, the smell and taste of charred sawdust in my system and a peculiar vibration in my fingers.
I have an experiment planned for them later!

Not wishing to service the stereotype of lesbians and their affinity for power tools, but I totally loved the industrial floor sander!
Great bit of kit, if a little frightening.
Crisp-e was in charge of the hand held affair, which was even scarier.
This thing had a mind of its own.
Crisp-e wasn’t really ’working’ it; he was just holding the button in the ‘On’ position while it shot randomly around the floor.
He also believes that it was trying to make fire.

I was expecting to see cousin Markus this afternoon but the Big little Brother turned up instead.
Talk about ‘mashed up’.
He was a few hours into a pretty hideous looking ‘come down’ and sat here to await his next delivery.
He also avoided ATM.

He and friends went back there last night and one of them puked all over her garden.
(This amuses me, greatly and endlessly!)
He and his girlfriend have split up and she has been pulling some pretty nasty shit.
Having him arrested for example, after she assaulted him.
He is now banned from his own flat and is back living with ATM.
(Personally, I’d prefer the cells, but, each to their own.)
Hence, his debauched weekend.
He sent me a text message at 2.30 this morning but he has no recollection of it whatsoever!
An insomniac Little big Sister is handy to have sometimes.


Sleepy said...

I could only find that mention of the Pavement Poker, that made any sense, that is!

You try googling it!

Does Sven look greasy? Lost Housemate vote and have made good headway into a bottle of Absolut, so we are watching "Elizabeth".

Sassygril said...

Sven looks like the greasy little twat he is. Have taken to picking nose in order to get floor crap disposed of. Nice.

Sleepy said...

Euueew! Christ! Some decorum...

Crisp-e said...

I am still blowing the crap out of my nose! Talk about unruly kit, it was dragging me around the room!

Sleepy said...

Dred... I've seen you in a club... There wasn't much difference.
Something more powerful than you, dragging you round the floor.
While you wear a look of abject fear.

Ahhh! Happy Days!
I seem to remember it involving stuff we'd inhaled too!