Monday, October 29, 2007

A Multicultral Day

I don’t think I need to bang home just how scary some Americans are, look at their President for fuck’s sake.
Individually, some can be quite cool, en masse, they are Septics.
But this from, Fact Checker, at the Washington Post has me really, really worried.
It is from an Associated Press poll:

* 34% of Americans believe in ghosts.
(31% believe George Bush is doing a good job!)
* 23% have seen a ghost.
* 19% accept the existence of spells or witchcraft.
* 14% have seen a UFO.
* 5% have seen a monster in their closet.

After a smoke, I had this weird vision of George Bush in the White House, wondering where he is going to get extra troops for Afghanistan from.
Then calling for the teeth of The Hydra to produce a skeleton army like in Jason and The Argonauts.
Except he wouldn’t be able to say ‘Argonauts’ without ballsing it up.

Tomorrow, the Sleepy Mansions Urban Kibbutz gains another member.
Her name is Pat and she comes from Malaysia.
She moved the majority of her stuff in last week but tomorrow will be her first time living here.
Today she has been cleaning and getting her room ready.
I have to admit that it took me a while to work out what the ‘Hoober’ was, but when she did the vacuuming mime and said it again, I was on it!
She tells me she likes to cook Chinese food, which will please the Housemates and the rest of the collective.
I didn’t have the heart to tell her I don’t like it.
Perhaps I can be trained.
When I mentioned a local restaurant to her she declared it,
My exact thought!
Pat will fit in perfectly I think!

I would like to thank the Polish roofers working opposite the house, for the Master Class in, ‘Arse Crack, accented English expletives and flouting Health and Safety rules’.
I thought tying yourselves to the scaffolding tower, while it flopped around like a cock in a sock, was particularly inspired.
Securing it to the house may have been the better plan though.
A most amusing afternoon.
Bravo Gentlemen, Bravo.


Sassygril said...

Whoo hooo another housemate!! And proper Chinese food is nothing like the stuff you get here. See if she makes hot pot in the winter months. That is sensational and is nothing like the Lancashire variant (which I also like).

The house has now lost its smell of burnt boards and I hope that the aches and pains have gone. If it is any consolation my legs have that 'social services' look so popular with me in me youth. All manky bruises and blotches. Serve that one up in a school near you today and you'd be in care within hours. Great job on the bedroom tho!

Sleepy said...

It's my arms that seem to have taken the brunt of the bruising.
They just keep popping up in fetching greens and purples.

That bedroom is going to look the bollocks when it's finished.

The food should be interesting!
She has a machine that cooks rice.
I didn't know they existed!